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At the beginning of the book „Pivašiū­nai: Villa­ge,
Church, Picture of Our Lady“ a foreword by bi­shop
of Kaišiadorys Jonas Ivanaus­kas is published.
Church historian and a specialist of archives
Kazys Misius reviews history of Pivašiūnai parish
beginning with the reign of Benedictines monks
of Senieji Trakai in the 17th century till nowa-
days. Research work made by the scientist reflects
history of building of the church, national rela-
tionships and the use of Lithuanian language in
the parish, priests who have worked and lived in
Pivašiūnai are mentioned. Biograms of all the
priests who have worked in the parish from 1827
are presented.
Art critic PhD Regimanta Stankevičienė
wri­tes about the architecture and the art of the
Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
in Pi­vašiūnai. This church is a monument of Lit­
huania’s classicism architecture. The author has
stu­died it’s wooden interior, altars, choir organ,
and confessionals. Stankevičienė describes other
buildings of Pivašiūnai church ensemble and mo­
numents of small architecture. She presents an
analysis of images of Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ,
St. Benedict, St. John the Baptist, St. Anthony
of Padua ant other saints who are depicted in
the paintings and sculpture of the church. Spe-
cial attention is given to the miraculous picture
of Our Lady of Pivašiūnai. Essay of Stankevičienė
describes the traditions of art valuables and their
changes since the patronage of Benedictines in
17th century till the beginning of the 21st century.
In 2013 we celebrate the 25th anniversary of
the coronation of the picture of Our Lady. Phi-
lologist Rūta Lazauskaitė recorded a documen-
tary story of Monsignor Vytautas Kazimieras
Su­da­vi­čius who was a dean of Pivašiūnai in 1988
and took charge of the coronation of the pic-
ture. Also an interesting and authentic witness
of priest PhD Kazimieras Ambrasas SJ can be
read – he tells us how the crown donated by the
Pope John Paul II was transferred from Vatican
City to Pivašiūnai and about the coronation of
the picture in 1988.
Nowadays village of Pivašiūnai is famous
for it’s traditions, faith, and the light of the mi-
raculous painting. All this is told by the current
dean of a sanctuary Monsignor Vincas Baublys,
his story is presented in a documentary essay by
Rūta Lazauskaitė.
In the album part of the book the photo-
graphs of sacral valuables of Pivašiūnai Curch
made by photographer Klaudijus Driskius can
be viewed: altars, sculptures, paintings, liturgical
vestments and vessels, items used for the proces-
sions. The book is concluded by a living witness
of faith of Dzūkija’s people – photographs of the
Assumption feast.